About Us

Pastors Enoch & Jeannine Rubaduka   

Founded and pastored by Rev Dr Enoch Rubaduka and his wife Jeannine in January 1999, ICM's vision (taken from Isaiah 61:1-3) is to bring hope, healing, freedom and smiles into everyone's life, through a relationship with Jesus Christ.  

  Ministering in Wye    

Ashford Pentecostal Church is the first branch of the ICM ministry. Currently, we are holding a  service on Sundays at 11.15am in Stanhope Parish Hall.  Our services are also recorded and uploaded to our Facebook group.  We have  a Communion Service the first Sunday of every month.  For more about what we believe, click here

Ladies at Leeds

Ladies Trip to Leeds Castle  

We currently hold a midweek Bible Study on Zoom.  Ladies Fellowship usually meets  in homes on the last Saturday of the month.  Men's Fellowship will be resuming soon!  We are also members of Churches Together in Ashford, participating in various events running by the wider body of Christ in Ashford.